SEA is an official partner of TED (acronym for Technology, Entertainment, Design) for the fourth consecutive year.
Such No - profit organization, was bornt from an American experience in 1984, taking care of events to bring together the most amazing and innovative minds and ideas of global thought.
The current one is a time of change. Some very obvious, others more latent. Traditional balances are changing with a speed that threatens to overwhelm our lives. New forces came into play. It is a constant movement that grows and develops creating a network of possible roads on different levels.
The goal is uncertain. But there are also opportunities. Everything depends on how and by how prepared we will be for the flexibility required by the TRANSITIONS in progress. We will take the highways that lead us towards an epochal upheaval: digital transformation, big data, scientific discoveries, artificial intelligence, robotics, integration, population growth, hyperconnection of people and things, functional illiteracy, climate change, fake news, haters ...
The TEDxVicenza 2019 edition will draw a route to look up and face changes and barriers in a conscious way. We will start from the people, traveling the TRANSITIONS also in the social component in its greatest meaning, the individual.
We will continue to spread ideas. But on more courageous, more daring themes. Because the need is to tell the change that we have partially crossed and towards which we are heading. The era of TRANSITIONS is too strong to resist. TRANSITIONS will be a roundup of steps and take-offs between different systems.
The public can participate live or from other places in the city. The speakers and performers will express their visions and their ideas in a multi-directional comparison. The partners will bring the point of view of the companies. All together we will become part of this network. Because TRANSITIONS are ourselves as we explore the present that run.
A growing community in which we take on a great responsibility: to face our future by provoking our awakening.
Our challenge is launched. Welcome to TRANSITIONS.
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