A safe place to work

UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 è il nuovo standard internazionale dei Sistemi di Gestione della Salute e Sicurezza sul Lavoro (SGSS). Sostituisce l’attuale OHSAS 18001, è concepito per aiutare le organizzazioni di ogni tipo e dimensione a creare e implementare sistemi in grado di prevenire proattivamente infortuni e malattie legati al lavoro
Le organizzazioni certificate OHSAS 18001 avranno 3 anni per la migrazione alla ISO 45001.
La migrazione può avere le sue sfide, ma con un'attenta pianificazione, controllo e impegno, le organizzazioni, i loro dipendenti e tutte le parti interessate potranno godere dei benefici prodotti da un miglioramento dei sistemi di gestione per la salute e sicurezza.

SEA è orgogliosa di comunicare che ha già ottenuto la certificazione secondo questo nuovo standard.

There are many differences between ISO 45001 and OHSAS 18001, but the main change is that the new standard focuses on the interaction between the organization and its business environment, while OHSAS 18001 focuses on the management of OH&S hazards and other internal issues.
But the standards also diverge for many other aspects, including:
ISO 45001 is based on processes // OHSAS 18001 is based on procedures
ISO 45001 is "dynamic" in all standard points // OHSAS 18001 no
ISO 45001 considers both risks and opportunities // OHSAS 18001 deals exclusively with risks
ISO 45001 considers the interested parties // OHSAS 18001 no

These points represent a significant change in the way health and safety management is perceived.
Although the two standards differ in their approach, a management system established in accordance with OHSAS 18001 constitutes a solid basis for migration to ISO 45001.
ISO 45001 can bring many advantages if implemented correctly. The standard requires that the OH&S risks are addressed and controlled, at the same time it also adopts a risk-based approach for the OH&S management system itself, to ensure that it is effective and is continuously improved to meet the ever-changing "context" of a organization. Furthermore, it guarantees compliance with the legislation in force in every part of the world.
All these combined measures contribute to improving the organization's reputation as a "safe workplace", as well as bringing other benefits, from reducing insurance costs to increasing employee satisfaction, all while continuing to meet the organization's strategic goals.